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Coffee Shop Elixir Logo Design

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July 2024


Logo Design, crativity


The logo for Elixir coffee shop is designed to encapsulate the essence of the brand, combining creativity, symbolism, and visual appeal. It transforms the letter “X” into a distinctive coffee cup shape and uses a vibrant green color inspired by the best coffee plants in Brazil. This design not only highlights the premium quality of Elixir ‘s coffee but also creates a memorable and versatile visual identity.


  • Premium Positioning: To establish Elixir as a high-end coffee shop in Dubai, appealing to coffee connoisseurs and those seeking a luxurious café experience.
  • Brand Recognition: To create a distinctive and memorable logo that resonates with the target audience and stands out in Dubai’s competitive coffee market.
  • Cultural Blend: To reflect Dubai’s unique fusion of modernity and tradition through a balanced design that appeals to both locals and tourists.
  • Visual Appeal: To craft a logo that is visually appealing across various mediums, from signage and packaging to digital platforms, ensuring consistent brand representation.

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