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Rikaz janoub constraction

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Mars 2024


Logo Design, crativity


Rikaz South is a dynamic company specializing in building construction and development. The aim of this project was to create a visual identity that reflects the company’s expertise, reliability, and innovative approach to building design and construction.


  • Develop a logo and visual identity that embodies the company’s core values of excellence, innovation, and reliability.
  • Create a cohesive brand presence that appeals to potential clients and partners in the construction industry.
  • Enhance brand recognition and establish Rikaz South as a leader in building construction and development.


The visual identity for Rikaz South successfully captures the company’s expertise and innovative approach to building construction. The cohesive and professional design enhances the brand’s recognition and establishes a strong presence in the construction industry, appealing to potential clients and partners.


Business Card


Brand Design

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